A Letter From Our Provisional Session
Dear Members and Friends,
The Session of Christ Redeemer Mission Church is writing to inform you that Reverend Jeff Wreyford has submitted, and we have accepted, his letter of resignation as the senior pastor of Christ Redeemer, PCA effective October 16, 2021. Jeff and Lori wish to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude for entrusting them with the opportunity to have pursued this kingdom work in Jonesboro. At this time, however, they believe God is leading them elsewhere. We desire to thank them for their faithful service and pray for God’s richest blessings upon them as they continue to pursue God’s call.
In His name,
The Session of Christ Redeemer, PCA
David Caldwell, Acting Clerk
Prayer Gathering
Date: 8/22/21
We will be having a dedicated time of prayer this Sunday morning, August 22, before service for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering. Specifically, the people of Afghanistan facing severe persecution and unrest in their country, and the people of Haiti facing the devastation of another earthquake and tropical storms.
Join us from 9:45 -10:15 a.m. in the AState Auditorium to petition the Lord on their behalf.
Location Update
We will be meeting at the Arkansas State University Student Union Auditorium, on the second floor of the Student Union, for the time being. Please stay tuned to our weekly email for details and location updates.
COVID19 Update
Due to new CDC guidelines and the increased spread of COVID19 and the Delta variant in our area, Christ Redeemer's mask policy has been updated to the following:
We are now requiring the wearing of masks while indoors at all times by everyone Kindergarten and above until further notice.
Masks will be available at our welcome table each Sunday, and we encourage social distancing.
Congregational Meeting
Date: 8/8/21
The Session of Christ Redeemer has called a congregational meeting to take place after our morning worship service on August 8th. We will give an update on the particularization process, as well as share information pertaining to a disciplinary trial that recently took place involving several of our church members. We would like to encourage all members to attend. Childcare will be available. Please reach out to Jeff Wreyford with any questions.
Notes from the Congregational Meeting can be found HERE.
Inquirer's Class
Dates: 8/22/21 &
Our next Inquirer’s class will be Sunday Aug 22 & 29 from 12-2 p.m. after morning worship. Whether you're considering joining, would like to refresh your understanding of our faith and background, or are just curious and have questions, we'd love to invite you to learn more! Sign up via our weekly email or contact Barr Overcast.