Each week, these sermon discussion guides are made available to help you engage the sermon text more fully. For those in a small group, this is what your group will use as its jumping-off point. You are also encouraged to use this in the context of your own home, whether personally or as a family, as you seek to apply the message to your life.
Sermon Summary: Luke 9:46-50
Main Ideas
I. The cross changes how we related to power
II. The cross changes how we relate to unity
III. The cross changes how we relate to Jesus
Application Points
I. When power tempts us to believe the lie that controlling others is better than loving others, consider Christ’s example in 1 John 3:16-18.
II. Don’t misinterpret self-righteousness as the unity of Christ. Like-mindedness with others doesn’t necessarily mean like-mindedness with Christ.
III. The cross is our only hope of unity because it frees us from our projects of self-righteousness and unites us through our collective received identity in Christ.
IV. Christ knows even our secret weaknesses but in love, still laid down His life for us. Jesus’ relationship to us should cause us to see others differently, loving in spite of differences, considering others greater than ourselves for the glory of God and the good of His people. (Philippians 2:3)
"What makes the temptation to power so irresistible? Maybe it is that power offers an easy substitute for the hard task of love." — Henri Nouwen
"Christ will have his disciples to aim at that honour which is to be obtained by a quiet and condescending humility, and not at that which is to be obtained by a restless and aspiring ambition." — Matthew Henry
Questions for Personal Response
Can you think of ways you are tempted to pursue power and control over the welfare of others?
Are there any ways you might be pursuing self-interests over unity?
What are some areas of misplaced hope in your life?
If our true hope is in the resurrected Savior, how does that speak to our misplaced hopes?
What are some practical ways you can know and enjoy the kindness of our King this week that might overflow into the relationships around you?